Jungle Storytimes - Week of March 19, 2011

This week we are learning about jungle animals!
Our Toddler Storytime lineup included:
Song - Fingerpopping from Preschool Aerobic Fun
Introduction to the letter T for 'Tiger'
Puppet Story - When Charlie Tiger Lost His Roar (Adapted from Charles Tiger by Siobhan Dodds)
Book - Kiss, Kiss by Margaret Wild
Song - Walking Walking from Songs for Wiggleworms
Action Rhyme - Willaby Wallaby Woo
Book - Splash by Flora McDonnell
Song - If You're Happy and You Know It from Songs for Wiggleworms
Book - Guess Who Safari Friends by Jodie Shepherd

Our Preschool Storytime Included:
Song - Open Shut Them
Introduction to the letter 'T' for Tiger
Puppets- Safari Animals
Action Rhyme - Bananas of the World
Book - Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andrea
Song - Silly Dance Contest from Jim Gill Sings The Sneezing Song
Book - Mommy, Carry Me Please! by Jane Cabrera
Song - The Monkey Dance from Hot Potato by The Wiggles
Flannel Story - Hippo-NOT-amus

Action Rhymes:

WILLOUGHBY WALLABY WOO (adapted from Raffi)
Willoughby wallaby wead, an elephant sat on my head.
Willoughby wallaby win, an elephant sat on my chin.
Willoughby, wallaby welbow, an elephant sat on my elbow.
, wallaby wee, an elephant sat on my knee.
Willoughby, wallaby woo, an elephant sat on my shoe!

Ready To Read Skill: Print Motivation (Loving Books):
Print Motivation means being interested in and enjoying books. There are many ways to encourage this skill with your child, but the best way is to make reading fun! Some ways to do this include helping your child choose books to read with you, trying funny voices for the characters in the books, having your child help you read by saying a repeating phrase, or choosing books that have a pop-up, lift-the-flap, or die-cut feature, like Guess Who Safari Friends. Also, feel free to ask the librarians at the branch you visit for books about topics your child is interested in (for example: trains, frogs, princesses, etc.) or characters they love. For instance, we have tons of Sesame Street books to check out! Another way to foster a love of books is by reading some that include activities you can do or sounds you can make while reading, like in Kiss, Kiss and Splash!


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