Mice Storytimes - Week of October 19

This week at storytime we are talking about mice (squeak, squeak!).

Our Toddler Storytime Lineup Included:
Song - Fingerpopping from Preschool Aerobic Fun
Book - Mouse Mess by Linnea Riley
Flannel Story- Mother, Mother, I Want Another from the book by Maria Polushkin Robbins Song - Clap Your Hands from Wiggleworms Love You
Action Rhyme - Little Mouse
Story - Hide and Squeak by Ed Heck
Song - Milkshake from Songs for Wiggleworms

Our Preschool Storytime Included:
Song - Can't Wait to Celebrate from Jim Gill's Irrational Anthem
Book - Cat and Mouse: The Hole Story by Christyan and Diane Fox
Song/Action Rhyme - Little Bunny Foo Foo
Book - The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood
Song - Milkshake from Songs for Wiggleworms
Flannel Story - Five Hungry Mice
Story - Hide and Squeak by Ed Heck
Song - Goodbye from Songs for Wiggleworms

Ready to Read Skill: Letter Knowledge (ABC's)
Letter knowledge means knowing that letters are different from each other, recognizing them everywhere, and knowing the sounds they make. Each week at Storytime we introduce a letter and discuss the sound it makes and words that begin with that letter. At home, you can do the same thing - talk to your child about what letter words begin with and how they sound. Another way to work on your child's Letter Knowledge is to use alphabet magnets to spell things on your refrigerator, or let them trace letter shapes with their fingers on a plate of whipped cream or shaving foam. Most importantly, make learning letters fun for you and your child!

Action Rhymes:

Little Mouse

Hurry, scurry little mouse,

Starts down at your toes.

Hurry, scurry little mouse,

Past your knees he goes.

Hurry, scurry little mouse,

To where your tummy is.

Hurry, scurry little mouse,

Gives a mousie kiss!

Little Bunny Foo Foo

Little Bunny Foo Foo, hopping through the forest scooping up the field mice and boppin' 'em on the head.

Down came the good fairy and she said, "Little Bunny Foo Foo,I don't want to see you scooping up the field mice and boppin' 'em on the head. I'll give you three chances, and if you don't behave I'll turn you into a goon!"

The next day: Little Bunny Foo Foo, hopping through the forest...

Down came the good fairy and she said, "Little Bunny Foo Foo, I don't want to see you scooping up the field mice and boppin' 'em on the head. I'll give you two more chances, and if you don't behave I'll turn you into a goon!"

The next day:Little Bunny Foo Foo, hopping through the forest...

Down came the good fairy and she said, "Little Bunny Foo Foo,I don't want to see you scooping up the field mice and boppin' 'em on the head. I'll give you one more chance, and if you don't behaveI'll turn you into a goon!"

The next day:Little Bunny Foo Foo, hopping through the forest...

Down came the good fairy and she said, "Little Bunny Foo Foo,I don't want to see you scooping up the field mice and boppin' 'em on the head. I gave you three chances and you didn't behave now you're a goon! POOF!!"

The moral of the story is: HARE TODAY, GOON TOMORROW

-text borrowed from http://www.kididdles.com/lyrics/l007.html


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